Police RecordsPolice Records Department
50 Egbert Street Pemberton, NJ 08068 609-894-8222 Ptl. Scott Bogdanowicz - Ext. *22 SBogdanowicz17@pembertonborough.us Contact InformationOffice Phone: 609-894-8222
Emergency: Dial 9-1-1 Non-Emergency Dispatch: 609-723-8300 Vacation Check Request |
Body CamerasThe Pemberton Borough Police Department is pleased to report the implementation of body cameras. All uniformed Pemberton Borough Police Officers will be utilizing wearable video/recorders effective March 1, 2020.
It is the policy of the Pemberton Borough Police Department to utilize wearable video/audio recorders to assist agency personnel in the performance of their duties by proving an accurate and unbiased recorded account of an incident and to maintain the necessary safeguards that will ensure the non-discriminating use as well as proper preservation of evidence that may be obtained through use of this technology. Wearable video/audio recorders provide a clear and unbiased recorded account that protect both citizens, as well as the officers. Below are pictures of what the wearable video/audio recorder looks like, and where on the officer this recorder is located. The wearable video/audio recorder will be located in the center of the Officer’s chest, on the exterior of his/her uniform, as shown below. The Police department utilize the Panasonic Arbitrator Body Worn Camera as see below. |
CONTACT of Burlington County